There are no upcoming sessions for this event.
The information below likely applies to its last session on Dec 15, 2024.

Silver Falls Winter Festival

Silver Falls State Park South Falls day-use area
Next happening
None scheduled

Join park staff and volunteers in a celebration of the winter season at Silver Falls. The festival will highlight the seasonal changes that can be seen in the winter.

Ongoing activities (10 am – 4 pm):

  • Make a wreath at the Evergreen Shelter
  • Make a bird nest box with Salem Audubon at the Creekside Shelter
  • Make a paper bird craft or pine cone bird feeder at the Stone Kitchen Shelter
  • Visit a discovery table to learn about the winter solstice, lichens, bigleaf maple syrup, animal tracks, and how the waterfalls change with the seasons.

Three guided walks will be available each day: a winter tree ID walk at 11 am and mushroom ID walks at 12 pm and 2 pm. All guided walks meet in the South Falls Lodge courtyard and last 1 hour.

Marion Soil and Water Conservation District will be hosting two winter plant propagation classes during the event on Saturday, 12/14 from 10 am-12 pm and 1-3 pm. Preregistration is required for these classes -  registration is at

A passport will be available at the event welcome table – if you get a stamp from at least 6 of the 10 activities, you can earn a limited edition commemorative ornament.

All activities are free, but a day-use parking permit is required. Permits cost $5 per day; annual permits, normally $30, are on sale for $25 in the month of December and are available at the park.

For more information, call the park at (503) 873-8681 or email Ranger Matt at