News Media
General Media Inquiries
Stefanie Knowlton
Communications Specialist
Jason Resch
Communications Division Manager

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The Oregon State Park system is one of the most popular in the United States. Every year, we serve an estimated 50 million daytime visitors, with about 3 million camping nights booked per year. Our attendance consistently puts the system among the top 10 most visited in the nation. We manage 259 properties, including camping at 52 parks, on more than 113,000 acres.

We also manage the Ocean Shore State Recreation Area. Many people reach the ocean shore by parking at a state park, but county and federal parks, businesses and private homes also lead to the ocean shore. No matter how you get there, the ocean shore covers all 362 miles of Oregon's coast, making it one of the most remarkable public recreation settings in the United States.

The Oregon Parks and Recreation Department regularly issues news releases on the full range of its programs, including the Oregon State Historic Preservation Office, Heritage Programs, Community Grants, ATV Programs, the ocean shore, the Scenic Waterways program, and Oregon State Parks. 

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