Bridal Veil Falls
State Scenic Viewpoint

Near Portland, Oregon, United States

Park Overview

Located just off the Columbia River Highway, at the site of an old lumber mill, this state park features two short hikes, one to beautiful Bridal Veil Falls and the other showcasing views of the Columbia River.

The lower trail is a steep, 0.3-mile descent to the base of the magnificent waterfall. The falls duck under the Old Columbia River Gorge Highway's 1914 bridge and over mossy basalt in two tiers, a drop of about 120 feet altogether.

Hikers will pass over Bridal Veil Creek, which originates in nearby Larch Mountain and was once nearly dry, its water diverted by the Bridal Veil Falls Lumbering Company. Watch for several signs of the property’s mill days: a dike and human-made creek, remnants of old buildings and a corrugated iron shed, the last remaining structure.

  • WARNING: Do not try to walk along the bridge over the Historic Highway to see the falls. The road is a narrow two-lane passage with no sidewalk. PLEASE view the falls from the trail.

The ½-mile Overlook Trail offers magnificent views of the Columbia River along the paved loop. You’ll see dramatic rock formations, including Archer Mountain, Hamilton Mountain, Beacon Rock and the famous geologic edifice known as Pillars of Hercules. The trail also passes a patch of forest scarred by the 2017 Eagle Creek Fire.

Signs along the trail point out distinctive native wild plants that grow abundantly in this area, such as camas, lupine, bead lily, trillium and bleeding heart.

Picnic tables and restrooms are within easy walking distance from the parking area. A large lawn afford visitors a chance to stretch a blanket in one of the laziest parts of the Columbia River Gorge.


Bridal Veil Falls State Park is located near milepost 28 on the Historic Columbia River Scenic Highway and is accessed off I-84 at Exit 28. Travel west on the Historic Columbia River Highway about 3/4 of a mile to the entrance of Bridal Veil Falls State Park.

mdi-alert-outline Wildfire advisory
mdi-alert-outline Campfire and open flame ban
mdi-cellphone Call for info: 800-551-6949
Call park: 503-695-2261
Current Conditions Directions Feedback

Amenities & Features


mdi-help-circle-outline General

Did you know in 2012 our park participated in customer surveys?

According to a 2012 survey of park visitors:

93% of our customers describe being "very satisfied" or "satisfied" with their overall experience at Bridal Veil Falls State Scenic Viewpoint.

77% of our customers reported that they were either "very likely" or "likely" to return to Bridal Veil Falls State Scenic Viewpoint in the future.

One customer commented, "My husband and I thought the falls were gorgeous and the scenic Highway 30 drive was great!"

mdi-help-circle-outline What's Allowed

Can I fly my drone in the park?

Please call 503-695-2261 for park specific rules.

Can I metal detect?

No metal detecting is permitted in West Columbia Gorge State Parks.

mdi-help-circle-outline Day use/Special Events

How do I get a Special Use Permit?

This park requires a Special Use Permit for special events or activities. Please open the Special Use Permit application to see examples of events that need a permit.  If you have questions about whether you need a special use permit for your activity and to receive instructions on how to submit the application, please call 503-695-2261.

For more questions, review our statewide FAQ


Land was acquired by purchase from various owners between 1970 and 1984. It adjoins the site of the old Bridal Veil Timber Company operation. Beginning in 1886, the company employed a flume system to bring in rough cut lumber to its sawmill and the railroad at this location.

Brochures and Maps

mdi-file-pdf-box Columbia Gorge Visitor Guide
