Roads End

State Recreation Site near Lincoln City, Oregon, United States

A fine place for a romantic stroll with tidepools, islands, and the headland with its hidden cove. Sailboarders come from everywhere! When Lincoln City's beaches are crowded or over-windy, this sheltered spot just north of town is surprisingly quiet. A short path descends to the beach at the pebbly mouth of a lazy little creek. The north beach is topped by a jumble of quaint old cottages and other homes until the beach narrows to Roads End Point. Fragments of lava form ragged islands where comic, long-necked cormorants dry their black wings atop guano-stained roosts. At low tide it's possible to clamber around Roads End Point to a secret cove and beach. Don't linger too long or you'll have to wait hours until the next low tide to get out!

Lincoln City is home to Finders Keepers. Each year hand-crafted glass floats are placed along the 7-1/2 miles (12 km) of public beach in Lincoln City from the Roads End area to Siletz Bay. The number of floats placed reflect the year – so, 2015 floats crafted and placed for the year 2015 and so on. Roads End State Recreation Site is a very popular location to hunt . . . and discover . . . your very own glass float. Remember - you find it, you keep it!

For more information about what's happening in Lincoln City, please visit

mdi-cellphone Call for info: 800-551-6949
Call for park info: 541 994-7341
Current Conditions Directions Feedback

Amenities and features


mdi-help-circle-outline Animals

Must I leash my dog on the ocean shore?

The short answer is no, but the handler of any domestic animal on the ocean shore does have responsibilities. Please refer to an excerpt from our ocean shore rules, below:

(2) The handler of any domestic animal must be responsible for the animal's behavior and must exercise direct control over the animal while in the ocean shore state recreation area.

(a) “Direct control” means that the animal is within the unobstructed sight of the handler and responds to voice commands or other methods of control.

(b) Domestic animal handlers must carry a leash or restraining device at all times while in the ocean shore state recreation area.

(c) Domestic animal handlers must promptly leash animals at the request or order of a park employee.

(d) Handlers must prevent their animals from harassing people, wildlife and other domestic animals.

(e) Animals may not be hitched or confined in a manner that may cause damage to any natural resources on the ocean shore.

(f) Handlers are responsible for the removal of the animal's waste while in the ocean shore state recreation area.


For more questions, review our statewide FAQ


Acquired between 1968 and 1971 by purchase and litigation, for the purpose of providing public access to the Pacific shore in northern Lincoln County.

Brochures and maps

mdi-file-pdf-box 2025 Central Coast Tide Tables
