Willamette River Greenway and Water Trail

Visit the Willamette River Water Trail interactive recreation map for vehicle access and parking, boat launches and camping locations.

The Willamette River and its middle and coast forks extend more than 255 miles from Cottage Grove in the southern Willamette Valley stretching northward to Portland where the river flows into the Columbia River. The Multnomah Channel branches off just miles before the confluence and meanders around Sauvie Island, before it joins the Columbia. The Willamette River Greenway lands dotting the banks of the river are low-key open spaces. A few have boat launches and vault toilets, and others – nothing. Some preserve native trees, plants and animals. Others protect scenic river views, historical sites and places where you can pull your canoe to shore, fish or walk along the river. The Willamette River is a nationally recognized water trail.

The Willamette River Recreation Guide includes information on boating safety, river section maps and plant and animal life you may see along the river. For hunting information, see our FAQs.

Visit additional Willamette River Greenway web pages:

Wapato Access (on Sauvie Island near Portland)
Spring Valley Access (north of Salem on the west river bank)
Marshall Island Access (southeast of Junction City)
Pengra Access (southeast of Pleasant Hill)

mdi-alert-outline General advisory
mdi-white-balance-sunny Open for day use year round mdi-tent Open for camping year round mdi-cellphone Call for info: 800-551-6949
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Amenities and features


mdi-help-circle-outline What's Allowed

Is hunting allowed on greenway lands?

In some greenway areas, hunting and trapping are allowed with restrictions. For the most current list of open and closed areas and restrictions, visit the Administrative Rules section of the Oregon Secretary of State website. Look for Division 10 section 736-010-0055 (7) https://secure.sos.state.or.us/oard/displayDivisionRules.action?selectedDivision=3414

Hunters and trappers must comply with the rules and regulations of the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife  - http://www.dfw.state.or.us/.

For more questions, review our statewide FAQ


The idea of a greenway uniting the Willamette River started with then-gubernatorial candidate Bob Straub in 1966. While he didn't win the election that year, the person who did -- Tom McCall -- supported the idea, and the Willamette Greenway program was endorsed by the Oregon Legislature in 1967 and 1973. Straub went on to become governor in 1975. Governors McCall and Straub supported a plan for preservation, public access, and long-term recreational use of the Willamette River, and the greenway grew between 1972 and 1985. Oregon Public Broadcasting produced a video segment about the greenway history. Watch the video

Approximately 83 parcels totaling more than 3,800 acres are designated Willamette River Greenway properties. Several state parks along the Willamette River are part of the greenway.
