Toothrock Trailhead

Trailhead for Historic Columbia River Highway State Trail near Hood River, Oregon, United States

Park Overview

The Toothrock Trailhead provides access to the 5.5-mile Bonneville Segment of the Historic Columbia River Highway State Trail.

Head west 1 mile to John B. Yeon trailhead. The trail crosses to the north side of I-84 around Tooth Rock; eastbound traffic passes through the tunnel below. Visitors will enjoy views of Bonneville Dam as they travel alongside the Columbia River and across the historic Moffett Creek Bridge. Then visitors cross back to the south side of I-84 and travel through a forested area where damage from the 2017 Eagle Creek Fire is apparent.

The eastbound 4-mile trail gradually climbs through a densly wooded area that again shows damage from the fire, then delivers majestic views of the Gorge. Just west of the Eagle Creek Trailhead, the trail passes a 40-foot staircase equipped with bike wheel groves. It continues past the Eagle Creek Trailhead and the Cascade Fish Hatchery, which offers the opportunity to see Chinook and coho salmon spawning in Eagle Creek each fall. The trail crosses Ruckel Creek and views of the small, charming falls before ending at the Bridge of the Gods Trailhead.

Plan your trip with these trail maps.  

Know Before You Go

  • A 40-foot staircase equipped with bike wheel grooves is at the Eagle Creek Trailhead.
  • Dogs are allowed on the Historic Columbia River Highway State Trail, but must be on a leash no longer than 6 feet at all times.
  • E-bikes are allowed on the state trail. The following devices are not allowed: electric scooters, mountain boards, electric unicycles, and other similar devices. For more information, please call Viento State Park at 541-374-8811.
mdi-alert-outline General advisory
mdi-alert-outline General advisory
mdi-white-balance-sunny Open for day use year round mdi-cellphone Call for location info: 541-387-4010, 503-695-2261 Current Conditions Directions Feedback

Amenities and features


mdi-help-circle-outline What's Allowed

Are Drones allowed in the Oregon State Parks in the Columbia River Gorge Scenic Area?

Please call 503-695-2261 for park specific rules.

Can I metal detect?

No metal detecting is allowed in West Gorge State parks

mdi-help-circle-outline Day use/Special Events

How do I get a Special Use Permit?

This park requires a Special Use Permit for special events or activities. Please open the Special Use Permit application to see examples of events that need a permit.  If you have questions about whether you need a special use permit for your activity and to receive instructions on how to submit the application, please call 503-695-2261.

For more questions, review our statewide FAQ


The Historic Columbia River Highway was designed by Samuel Lancaster and constructed between 1913 to 1922. Its purpose was not merely to provide an east-west transportation route through the Columbia River Gorge, but to take full advantage of every natural aspect, scenic feature, waterfall, viewpoint and panorama. When bridges or tunnels were designed, they stood by themselves as artistic compliments to the landscape. The Columbia River Highway served millions of travelers and became one of the grandest highways in the nation. When transportation needs required faster and larger roads, sections of the old highway were bypassed. By 1960, a new interstate highway had replaced nearly all of the older road. The four-mile stretch of old highway between Hood River and Mosier, including the Mosier Twin Tunnels, was closed, filled with rock and abandoned. In the 1980s, new interest in the old scenic highway began to resurface. Lost sections of highway were identified, unearthed and studied for potential renovation. Some portions of the original route were covered by I-84 when it was built. An ambitious restoration began with the removal of rock from the Mosier Twin Tunnels. Restoration took several months. When workers were done, several surprises were unearthed, such as graffiti dating back to 1921 (when drivers were snowbound for several days). The highway is owned and maintained by ODOT; the state trail is managed by the Parks and Recreation Department. In 2000, the highway was designated a National Historic Landmark, and in 2002, the state trail was designated a National Recreation Trail.

Brochures and maps

mdi-file-pdf-box Columbia Gorge Visitor Guide
