mdi-tent Reserve

Wallowa Lake State Park

State Park near LaGrande, Oregon, United States
mdi-tent Reserve

Situated between the south end of a scenic glacial lake and the towering peaks of the Wallowa Mountains, Wallowa Lake State Park is an ideal base camp for wilderness treks and watersports fun.

The large day-use area along the lake features a beach, spots for fishing, picnic tables and two reservable picnic areas (one covered). Another reservable picnic area is along the Wallowa River. The park continues a mile upriver at the seasonally open Little Alps Day-use Area, located between the east and west forks of the Wallowa River. This quiet area has picnicking along the river and access to the Wallowa Lake Trailhead, gateway to the Eagle Cap Wilderness Area

The Wallowa Lake Marina (seasonally open) offers moorage rentals and all manner of watercraft for rent, from kayaks to motorboats. The marina store sells fishing licenses, tackle, bait, camping supplies, ice, snacks and souvenirs. A life jacket loaner station is available at the marina. Be aware of hidden obstructions beneath the surface. Wearing a life jacket, and making sure it fits properly, saves lives. 

Year-round Camping

Reservations can be made 6 months in advance at our partner site, Reservations required for yurt stays.

Generator use is prohibited.

  • 121 Full-hookup sites (36 pull-through)
  • 88 tent sites with water nearby
  • 2 yurts
  • 3 group tent areas
  • 3 group picnic areas
  • Hiker/Biker camping
  • Hot showers and flush toilets
  • RV dump station
  • Playground

Universal Access: Two sites and both yurts are accessible to campers with disabilities.

Winter Camping

Both yurts and several campsites are open and available to reserve all year. Water is shut off to individual sites from October-May 18, services and site availability may be limited.  During the winter, first-come, first-served sites are available as plowing and maintenance allows. 

What's Nearby

The surrounding community at Wallowa Lake is reminiscent of a Swiss alpine village. It features a tramway to the top of 8,200-foot Mt. Howard with views of the Wallowa Lake basin and the Eagle Cap Wildnerness. The unspoiled wilderness area has small, sparkling lakes scattered at the base of 10,000-foot peaks and is a paradise for hikers, horseback riders and naturalists.

Several cultural sites and significant landmarks are also nearby. Hat Point Overlook, 54 miles northeast, overlooks the Snake River’s Hells Canyon, the deepest gorge in North America. Joseph Canyon Viewpoint is 42 miles north of the park and features stunning views of the canyon that was the winter home of the Chief Joseph Band of the Nez Perce tribe. Just north of the lake, Iwetemlaykin State Heritage Site and Nez Perce National Historical Park honor the ancestral homeland of the Nez Perce.

mdi-white-balance-sunny Open for day use year round mdi-tent Open for camping year round mdi-cellphone Call for reservations: 800-452-5687
Call for info: 800-551-6949
Call for park info: 541-432-4185
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Amenities and features


mdi-help-circle-outline General

When is the park open to visitors?

The park is open year-round for camping and day use. Day use is open during daylight hours; exact hours are posted in day-use areas.


Do you have wi-fi at the park?

Wi-fi is not available through Wallowa Lake State Park.  However, many local merchants and public libraries have the service. 


Does the park have boat moorage slips that I can reserve?

Wallowa Lake Marina sells boat slip reservations during the summer season: or 541-432-9115. 

Is there a place to purchase a fishing license in the park?

Wallowa Lake Marina sells fishing licenses and gear from mid-May to mid-September. Check store hours and information at or 541-432-9115.

Where can I swim?

The park has a beach and swim area on Wallowa Lake. All swimming is unsupervised, and you are responsible for your own safety. Before you enter the water, you should judge your swimming skills against possible strong currents, cold water, underwater objects and steep drop-offs. Remember, the river and lake are filled by snow runoff and remain cold year round. Please bring and wear a personal flotation device and swim with a buddy.

What services are open in the winter?

The park is open year-round, with some service changes October through mid-May:

  • In winter, we plow roads to the day-use areas and open camp loops. Some areas are closed to vehicle access to allow for winter recreation or maintenance. Please do not drive around barricades.
  • Two restroom buildings — in B Loop and at the back of D Loop near Group Camp A — are heated during the winter. Other restroom buildings are closed.
  • Water will not be available October through mid-May except at the designated restroom buildings (restroom use only) and at the frost-free spigot at site D17, which can be used for drinking or filling tanks. 

mdi-help-circle-outline About Camping

How many vehicles can park at my campsite? How many people can stay at my campsite?

One vehicle is included in the site registration fee. This includes one towed vehicle. 

  • All vehicles must fit in your site with all wheels on the pavement. Overflow parking is available for extra vehicles. 
  • Each additional vehicle costs $7 per night, payable at the park.
  • For campers arriving on motorcycles, the site registration fee covers two motorcycles. Each additional motorcycle is a $7 fee.
  • A maximum of eight people are allowed per site.
What are the campsite types and how are they equipped?

Wallowa Lake State Park has five site types. Each site has a picnic table and fire ring, and access to restrooms and showers. 

  • Hookup sites: sewer and electricity; water mid-May - Sep. 30; paved parking.
  • Tent/non-hookup sites: no utilities, but water at or near the site; paved parking. Many tent sites do not accommodate RVs. No generators allowed.
  • Hiker/biker sites: This is a shared area set aside for people who are traveling by bicycle or walking. People traveling with vehicles do not qualify for this site type. No utilities. These sites cannot be reserved.
  • Group tent sites: These sites provide space for up to 25 people camping in 'tents" and up to six vehicles. Water on site. One small RV may be allowed as a cooking unit but counts as one of the six vehicles and must be self-contained. No generators allowed.
  • Yurt sites: The park's two hard-sided, heated, one-room yurts sleep 5 people. They are equipped with 2 coffee tables, outlets to plug in small devices, a futon couch and a bunk bed. The futon and bottom bunk are double beds and the top bunk is a single. Visitors must bring own bedding, camping supplies and equipment. No smoking, appliances, cooking or candles allowed inside. Pets are allowed in Yurt 18, but not in Yurt 19. Yurts have a covered porch with picnic table; a second picnic table is near the fire pit. No RVs are allowed.
Will my RV fit in the site?

Sites vary in length and may have trees near the parking pad. All vehicles, including tow vehicles, must fit with all tires on the parking pad without driving off the pavement.  Please read site alerts to make sure the site will accommodate your camping equipment.

If the towing vehicle does not fit in the site's paved parking pad, you must park it in the designated overflow area. For example, if your camp trailer is 25 feet long and you’re towing it with a 22-foot vehicle. You will need a site at least 47 feet long.

Call the park at 541-432-4185 if you have concerns about your RV length or parking in the park.  

Where can I build a campfire?

Campfires are allowed only in park fire pits and must be put out if you leave the immediate area.

Fires may be restricted or prohibited due to high fire hazard conditions. Campfire restrictions will be posted online and at the park. 

Does the park sell firewood? If so, what are the hours and where?

Wallowa Lake State Park sells firewood between sites C1 and C4.

  • Summer Hours: 4-8 p.m. 
  • Winter Hours: Please check wood shed for availability and how to pay, or contact a park staff member to help you. 
  • Price: $7 per 1.5 cubic feet. Wood can be purchased with cash or check at the wood shed or by credit card at the Registration Booth.
  • Fires may be restricted or prohibited due to high fire hazard conditions. Fire restrictions will be posted on this website and on site.
  • Do not bring firewood from outside the area. Firewood can carry insects and diseases that threaten the health of our western forests. You can make a difference by buying and burning your firewood locally. Information:


What do I do with my garbage?

Dumpsters and recycling bins are available at the trash compactor near the end of D loop. Dumpsters are for garbage generated in the park; no home garbage is allowed. 

  • Never leave food or garbage unattended. Store all items with a food scent in a hard-sided container or your locked vehicle. Garbage and food attract bears and deer, and their populations suffer when human food and garbage are readily available.
  • Please use the dumpsters for all trash.  Do not burn or leave garbage in the fire pits; they are for firewood only.
  • Please do not put wipes into toilets, drains or the septic system.  Put all wipes in garbage bins. We appreciate your help in keeping the drain lines flowing so that waste does not end up backed up onto floors and campsites.

Under OAR 736-010-0040 (6) a person shall leave garbage, recyclables, sewage or waste in a park area only in the designated containers provided.

Can I charge my device or use a generator in the park?

If you rely on having a source of power for a medical device or other equipment please plan ahead by booking a yurt, full-hookup site, or bring a battery pack. The park does not have a public charging station and generator use is prohibited.

mdi-help-circle-outline What's Allowed

What about hunting?

Wallowa Lake State Park does not allow discharge of any firearm, bow and arrow, slingshot, pellet gun, or other weapon capable of injuring humans or wildlife or damaging park property.  

Visit the hunting map for park properties to identify areas open and closed to hunting in Oregon's state parks.

Can I use my metal detector on state park property?

Registered campers may use a metal detector Oct. 1 - April 30 in the overnight camping area only: loops A, B, C, D, E and the Group Camp area. No permit is required, but you must carry your paid camping receipt.   

I want to have an event at the park. What do I need to do?

Call the park to discuss your plans, possible permits, fees and insurance requirements. Depending on the event, you may need a special use permit. Examples include:

  • group gatherings such as weddings, company picnics, tournaments, and contests;
  • commercial filming;
  • short- and long-term rental of property and structures;
  • construction activities and placement of utilities;
  • educational and scientific projects;
  • sales of goods and services by vendors, concessionaires and other businesses.
Can I smoke in the park?

Smoking is prohibited on state park property, including in day use areas, with the following exceptions:

  • Smoking is allowed inside personal vehicles
  • Smoking is allowed while in your campsite

mdi-help-circle-outline Animals

Can I bring pets to the park? What about horses?

Pets are welcome at Wallowa Lake State Park. For the safety and comfort of all park visitors, we ask that you keep pets confined or on a leash not more than six-feet long and under physical control at all times. Horses are not considered pets.

  • You are responsible to pick up after your pets and to keep them quiet at all times. 
  • The park has an off-leash area for pets at the end of A-loop near the marina parking area. 
  • Pets are not allowed in the swim area, buildings or structures. 
  • Horses are not allowed on Wallowa Lake State Park property.
  • Wallowa Lake State Park has one pet-friendly yurt (18). Pets are prohibited in the other yurt.
Are there deer in the park? Are they dangerous?

Mule deer are very common at Wallowa Lake State Park. Though they may seem friendly, they are not tame. These are wild, unpredictable animals that have lost their fear of humans. In the spring, does (female deer) with their fawns may attack to protect their young.  Fall is mating season and the bucks (male deer) can become quite aggressive towards other deer and even humans. Deer also bring ticks into the campground. 

For the safety of visitors, their pets and the resident deer, please follow these rules:

  • Do not feed deer.
  • Do not leave food or garbage out. Secure food in your locked vehicle and take all garbage to the dumpster near the end of D loop. Unattended food and garbage lure deer into the park, and deer become sick and can die from eating human food.
  • Protect your pets from attack. Never leave your pets unattended outside or allow them to get close to deer.
  • Protect yourself from attack by keeping your distance when observing or taking photos of deer in the park.

You may be cited for violating these rules. Under OAR 738-010-0055 (6) and (7) it is a Class D Violation to give or offer food items to any wildlife or come in contact with any wildlife within a park area. 

Why do I need to keep my dog on a leash?

Dogs are permitted off leash under voice control in the designated area near the marina. Elsewhere, they must be leashed. Even if the park or trail looks empty, it’s important to leash your pet for their own protection and as a courtesy to others. Another park user could be coming around the next bend.

In addition, leashing your dogs prevents them from tangling with wild animals and other dogs, getting lost, ransacking garbage, damaging plant life, dispersing invasive weed seeds, or being hit by a car. It also avoids a citation!

There are many hundreds of miles of trails and public lands in the county where your dog is permitted off-leash. For more information, see our Pets in Parks page.

mdi-help-circle-outline Discounts

Who gets discounts?
  • Active-duty military on leave, veterans with service-connected disabilities, foster parents of Oregon foster children and adoptive foster parents (children below 18 years of age) are eligible for discounts.  Oregon State Parks and Recreation Department does not have special rates for any other demographic group, such as seniors.
  • The qualifying person for the Special Access Pass must be physically present and show valid I.D. and the Special Access Pass to park staff to receive discount.  These discounts are not transferable and may not be used by anyone other than the person to whom the Special Access Pass is assigned.
For more questions, review our statewide FAQ


Wallowa Lake State Park was created to provide public access to the lake and the pleasant forested area at the inlet of the Wallowa River. The original 165 acres along the Wallowa Lake shore was acquired between 1941 and 1954.

Trees present are cottonwood, ponderosa pine, Douglas fir, with some western larch and grand fir.  It is extensively developed for both day use and overnight camping.  The park is popular with anglers, hikers, swimmers and boaters.

Wallowa Lake is a glacial lake at the base of the heavily glaciated Wallowa Mountains. This range is in the Wallowa-Whitman National Forest and includes the renowned Eagle Cap Wilderness.  Wallowa Lake State Park is a base from which visitors can explore the mountain country and the approaches to the Hells Canyon National Recreation Area on the Snake River.

Brochures and maps

mdi-file-pdf-box Oregon Black Bears mdi-file-pdf-box Wallowa Lake State Park Campground Map
