Face Rock

State Scenic Viewpoint near Coos Bay, Oregon, United States

There is an American Indian legend about this spot. Some say they hear a maiden's voice on the wind, and standing on the cliff overlooking the ocean you can easily pick out the face on Face Rock. There is a well-kept trail to the beach, and several rocky intertidal areas to explore at low tide.

mdi-white-balance-sunny Open for day use year round mdi-cellphone Call for info: 800-551-6949 Current Conditions Directions Feedback

Amenities and features


mdi-help-circle-outline What's Allowed

Are drones allowed at Bullards Beach State Park and nearby ocean side parks?

Commercial and recreational use of radio controlled aircraft, unmanned aircraft - "drones", quad-copters' and similar are prohibited at Bullards Beach State Park and other management unit ocean side parks including Bandon State Natural Area, Seven Devils State Recreation Area, and Face Rock State Scenic Viewpoint.
This is a safety effort to control hazards that could negatively affect other visitors or protected wildlife.

What if I want to do some night time photography?

Visitors may apply for a free night photography permit for Face Rock State Scenic Viewpoint through the park office by calling 541-347-2209 ext.221 (leave a message if no answer). Permits are typically valid for 1-7 days and allow the holder to remain in a day use area from dusk to 11pm. Permit holders must carry a copy of their valid permit with them.  Permits are not availalbe during special events. Permits are limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis. Please contact the park a minimum of 7 days in advance of the anticipated need of the permit to allow time for permit issuance.

mdi-help-circle-outline Animals

What should I do if I see a seal pup on the beach?

Harbor seal pups are often found on the beach. Usually, they are not stranded and should not be disturbed. They are resting while their mothers are off looking for food.
The Oregon Marine Mammal Stranding Network (OMMSN), which responds to stranded and injured marine mammals, notes that "adult female seals are shy and a mother is unlikely to rejoin a pup if there is activity nearby. She may only return to suckle her pup at night when people are not around. It is very important not to interfere with this process, and especially not to move a pup from where it is receiving care from its mother. Within 3-4 weeks of birth, harbor seal pups are weaned from maternal care and are left to fend for themselves. While learning to find and catch its own food, a young seal may come ashore frequently to rest. This is often a very challenging stage of life, and not all pups survive. But while it may be tempting to 'take them in,' their best chance for survival is to be left alone on the beach."
If you are concerned about the welfare of a seal pup or any other marine mammal you encounter, report it to park staff, the park office (541-347-2209 ext 221), or the 24-hour Oregon State Police hotline at 800-452-7888. Please describe the situation and location of the animal so the OMMSN can follow-up on your concerns.
For more information, please check out the OMMSN website and their link to Stranding Dos and Don’ts.

mdi-help-circle-outline Day use/Special Events

I want to have an event or wedding in a park or on the beach. What do I need to do?

It depends. Call the Park Office at 541-347-2209  x 221 to discuss your plans and possible permits, fees or insurance requirements. Events on the beach are first-come, first-served. Depending on the event, you may need a special use permit for non-traditional activities. A non-traditional activity is an activity, gathering or use of park properties, ocean shore or other recreational area that is not defined in park area rules and regulations. Some examples of events that require a permit are:

  • organized group gatherings of 50 or more such as weddings, company picnics, tournaments, and contests;
  • an activity that requires a structure and/or decorations such as stage, event tents, archways, tables/chairs;
  • sales of goods and services by vendors, concessionaires and other businesses;
  • commercial filming;
  • educational and scientific projects;
  • activities that restrict public access.
For more questions, review our statewide FAQ


The original land was given to the state in 1931 by J. F. Kronenberg of Bandon. Other land was subsequently acquired from private owners in 1964. Legend has it that you can hear a woman’s voice in the wind and see her face in the rock. The park was formerly known as Bandon Ocean Wayside.The rocks and tidal flats at Face Rock are protected as part of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Oregon Islands National Wildlife Refuge because they provide important nesting habitat for birds.

Brochures and maps

mdi-file-pdf-box 2025 South Coast Tide Tables mdi-file-pdf-box Oregon Coast Whale Watching
