Yachats Ocean Road

State Natural Site near Newport, Oregon, United States
Yachats Ocean Road makes a one-mile loop, exposing one of the most scenic viewpoints on the coast: the Yachats Bay and the Pacific Ocean. Limited parking along the loop provides access to this expansive beach  made for sandcastles and frisbee games. Tucked below the quaint coastal town of Yachats, the Yachats River flows into the ocean here. Anglers enjoy casting from the rocks off the mouth of the river, hoping to hook a Chinook salmon or rockfish. Kiddos -- and pups -- will love splashing in the sandy, shallow river.
mdi-cellphone Call for info: 800-551-6949
Call for park info: 541-867-7451
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Amenities and features


This property was given to the state over the period 1931 to 1962, by Equitable Trust Company, George P. Stonefield, and Lincoln County. The wayside protects access to the Yachats River at the river's confluence with the Pacific Ocean. It is a spruce-forested tract backed by ocean front homes. There are minimal day use facilities.

Brochures and maps

mdi-file-pdf-box 2025 Central Coast Tide Tables
