There are no upcoming sessions for this event.
The information below likely applies to its last session on Oct 14, 2023.

Annular Solar Eclipse 2023 (Shore Acres)

Sunset Bay State Park Shore Acres State Park (observation building)
Next happening
None scheduled

Description: Join us for the 2023 Annular Eclipse on October 14th, at 8 am at Shore Acres State Park. Rangers and astronomy educators from around the state will have telescopes set up to look at the sun and sunspots. These telescopes use specialized filters so we can look at the sun safely – remember, never look directly at the sun.

Date: 10/14/23

Time: 8:00 am (begins at 8:04, maximum is at 9:18, ends at 10:38)

Location: This event will be held near the Observation Building at Shore Acres State Park.

Parking: While the event is free, the Shore Acres parking lot requires a fee ($5 per day or you can use a 12/24-month day use parking permit if you have one). You can park in the day use area at Sunset Bay and hike the OCT into Shore Acres without paying the parking fee, however we expect this event to be popular and options to park and walk in are limited. Carpooling is recommended. Parking on the road or on the grass is not permitted.

More Information: This eclipse is an Annular Eclipse, as opposed to the upcoming 2024 Total Eclipse (which will not be visible from Oregon). An Annular Eclipse is commonly referred to as a ‘ring of fire’ and they are in their own right, spectacular.

While solar eclipses are not rare, being in the path of totality is. Since Earth is primarily a water planet, solar eclipse paths are statistically most likely to occur over the ocean, where most people do not live.

For more information, check out NASA’s website on the upcoming solar eclipse.